The Longer You Sleep, The Weirder Your Dreams
Everyone dreams and there are a lot of triggers that make people dream differently. Science has discovered the longer you sleep, the weirder your dreams become. As the night goes on, from early to late night, dreams become more bizarre.
Just before a person wakes up is when dreams escalate to things that are never likely to happen in real life. Previous studies show that women with PMS are more likely to have nightmares and being ill can contribute to strange dreams.
In the early stages of sleep, dreams are more about people you have seen during the day but as the night wears on, dreams become more about life events. If you ever wake up and realize you had a bizarre dream it may be because that is the part of your dream closest to the latest part of your sleep. The part of the dream you remember, the most vivid, and usually the most bizarre, is at the time you are ready to wake up.