Sarah’s Newborn Twin Nieces Beautiful Photo Session
Newborns are hard to photograph!! This is a lesson I learned over the weekend. I helped my sister-in-law take my new twincessess to have their newborn pictures done. We went to Maine Photography Studio, in Lewiston, where we met Brenda Giasson...who's a SAINT!
When my kids were little, you went to Walmart or Sears...if the babies cried, you still took the pictures and got what you got. But, Brenda invested almost 5 hours of her day to photograph GORGEOUS pictures of Sadie and Charlie. I'm sure, with one newborn, it's a challenge...but with twins...even I left needing a nap.
After several diaper changes and bottle feeds...and then 10 minutes of picture taking...back to diaper changes and bottle feeds...and then 10 minutes of picture taking...I'm sure the fabulous Miss Brenda got some GREAT shots.
I can't wait to share the final product with all of you. Stay tuned! If you are looking to have one of a kind pictures of your family...I strongly recommend Maine Photography Studio.
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