If someone had mentioned this idea to me five years ago, I would have assumed it was a joke.  Not today, though.  Nope!

In every New England state, except New Hampshire, you can legally posses and use cannabis products.

Now, it looks like getting recreational use marijuana will be as easy as stopping by certain gas station chains!

According to the KJ, Circle K has made a deal with Green Thumb Industries to begin selling marijuana products inside their gas stations.

The program will start early next year with ten locations in the State of Florida.  But, like anything of this sort, if the semi-attached stores are well received, it won't be long before they expand to Circle K locations in other states where recreational use marijuana, or medical use marijuana, are legal.

Instead of being fully integrated with the convenience store, the marijuana stores, called RISE Express, will be somewhat standalone and have a separate entrance.  This will allow the businesses to remain somewhat separate.

The ironic part about testing the idea in Florida is that Florida does not allow recreational use marijuana.  However, there are about 700,000 Floridians with medical marijuana cards.

Why gas stations?  Well, they already sell age restricted items like tobacco products and alcohol.  And, they have snacks...  Lots of SNACKS!

The hope is that, by pairing weed stores with a type of business frequented by a huge part of the population on a regular basis, it will help further normalize the idea of legal marijuana use.  While legal in many states, recreational marijuana use is still federally illegal.

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