Here's where you have to be very careful with what you believe on the internet.  A lot of people read something and somehow it flips in their brain that it must be true.  This is when your rationalization skills need to kick in and say "What? No way?"   A great quote: "If you read it on the internet, then it must be true" - Abe Lincoln.  Smart man, that guy!

I've seen multiple posts on Facebook about Wendy's and Burger King using horse meat in their burgers and most are completely appalled by this.  Really??  Really?  Horse meat?  This one additive is what makes you finally decide not to eat fast food?  Let's not focus on all the other "additives" but let's focus on the fact that the meat is being identified.  Yea, perhaps it's not exactly appetizing once you know, but c'mon at least you know what it is and up until now, you've LOVED it.

This reminds me of a story back in the day when I was a smoker.  Yup, I used to smoke.  I was sitting outside smoking and someone was reading an article about McDonald's french fries causing cancer.  As I proceeded to take a drag off of a cigarette, I said "I guess I won't be eating their fries anymore.".  It was that moment I realized how incredibly ridiculous my statement was.  Yea, these two scenarios have nothing to do with each other...they're both just ignorant.

All kidding aside, the rumor of horse meat in fast food burgers is completely FALSE...BOGUS...NOT TRUE!  So, you can relax and go back to not knowing what you are eating.  Bon Appetit!

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