Dierks Bentley recently released a song, featuring Elle King, called "It's Different For Girls".  I admit, I haven't fully listened to the song but every time I hear the lyrics "It's different for girls", immediately, 100 things come to MY mind as to why it's so different for girls.

Guys have it so easy!!  There's no debating this subject.  Men can:

  • Pee standing up

And there ya have it.

Women have to deal with:

  • Premenstrual Syndrome
  • Shark Week (your period, monthly, aunt flo)
  • Post Menstrual Syndrome (There's not enough weeks in the month to cover the full ovulation cycle.  You just finish one before you start the next round)
  • We get to ovulate eggs that feel like you're passing a watermelon through a straw (being your fallopian tube)
  • Men being ignorant to all of the above
  • Metal underwire to your bra breaking loose and stabbing ya in the armpit...remove it then you're lop sided
  • Discovering pieces of your breakfast, lunch and dinner at the end of the day all collected in your bra
  • We are so complicated, we have doctors who specialize in the female anatomy that we have to visit yearly.  Men get the 'finger test' when they turn 50!
  • When something 'crucial' is wrong...they always find a way to blame it on PMS.  For example:  You sprained your big toe.  Diagnosis: PMS.  You have a sore throat.  Diagnosis: PMS  You scream at the kids after asking them nicely to clean their rooms.  Diagnosis: PMS.  For the record...we don't like this!!
  • We pee when we laugh, cough, sneeze because we birthed big headed babies
  • Men somehow think because we're dressed in our sweats, hairs a mess and we have a cold...then that's an open invitation to proceed with foreplay

This list could go on and on for me.  But before I get too detailed and graphic, I'll stop.  But you can enjoy the video "It's Different For Girls":

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