
What’s the Most Misspelled Word in Maine
What’s the Most Misspelled Word in Maine
What’s the Most Misspelled Word in Maine
Google recently did a new project looking at the most misspelled word per state. They found most states including Maine have struggled with words that are 6 to 10 letters long.
NFL Fans With the Best and Worst Grammar
NFL Fans With the Best and Worst Grammar
NFL Fans With the Best and Worst Grammar
An automated proofreading company, Grammarly, ranked each NFL fan base on it’s grammar, punctuation and spelling to the best and worse. See where the New England Patriots fans are.
Texas Longhorns Need a Spelling Lesson
Texas Longhorns Need a Spelling Lesson
Texas Longhorns Need a Spelling Lesson
Texas Longhorns football is not getting off to good start so far this year as several players had to be kicked off the team and, to top it all off, the word Texas, was misspelled on the official Texas Longhorn website. At the footer of several players’ biographies, there were 32 misspellings on the website.
Sharon Buck’s Son Anderson’s 1st Grade Spelling Words
Sharon Buck’s Son Anderson’s 1st Grade Spelling Words
Sharon Buck’s Son Anderson’s 1st Grade Spelling Words
Last night after dinner, Anderson and I decided to work on his first grade spelling words. The teacher gives them out at the very beginning of the year and throughout the year the kids practice spelling them. We have been practicing a lot lately. Being the INCREDIBLE reader he is, I thought he would do well. But how well DID he do?