What a month! I've never waited on so many people or seen so many eggs in my 7 years of Waitressing Wednesday!

Did we reach our goal of $1,900? We sure did!

But by how much?

After handing over the money I earned from Bee's Snack Bar, the Downtown Diner, Alice's Restaurant, the Purple Cow and Big G's, the total has been added up.

We only needed $1,900 to send a child to Pine Tree Camp. We ended up with.....

drum roll please......


WOW!!! This is just incredible!!! The people of central Maine and the listeners of B98.5 are the most caring and generous people in the world.

But the BEST news is....when I told people of how we reached our goal and how people still continued to give...they all said "Maybe it's a sign that things are getting better." What a great way to think about it.Things ARE getting better!!!

Thank you. THANK YOU! THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you for being so generous and giving to an organization who just wants to give back to the disabled children and adults in Maine.

You truly have the biggest hearts.

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