I moved into a new house a couple years ago, and it was very exciting. The house is on a cul-de-sac.

Do you remember when neighborhoods were tight-knit? Almost like extended families, where everyone knew each other’s name and story.

One of my memories was the “Neighborhood Block Party,” where everyone would pitch in a dish or dessert and gather at the end of the street to celebrate together.

Growing up on Sherbrooke Avenue in Lewiston, that’s exactly the kind of block party I remember

Suffice it to say, neighbors were an important part of the nation's culture back then. I was very unsure of where that culture stood now, but I am now reminded of the importance.

Canva Pro
Canva Pro

I feel as though we as a society have closed off a bit. I am not saying it is a good or bad thing. But I have noticed that we've become indifferent about making friends.

It's just something that has happened, especially since the internet came around when I was younger.

I hear the phrase, "I used to keep my doors unlocked in those days."

It's too bad that we're unable to do that now. But, maybe we can get back to a place where we connect more with the people who live next door.

I’m definitely going to try after this beautiful moment happened in my life. Moe and Gloria, a married couple who live next door, have been lovely neighbors since we moved in.

We've exchanged a few words over time, but it wasn't until recently that something happened that turned them from acquaintances into something more special

Yesterday, my wife, Nelly, was visited by these wonderful people, and they had a special package for us.

This package was filled with treats, three dollar bills folded into little airplanes, drawing books, and a note for our son, Bentley.

Lizzy Snyder
Lizzy Snyder

The thing is, they did not have to do this. They did not have to collect all of these wonderful little treasures to give to our son for the holidays, after meeting us and him only a couple times.

But that is what neighbors do, and I forgot about that. Did you?

Neighborly love is important. Of course we've all become a bit reclusive and anti-social throughout the years, but remember, connecting with humans and giving them a piece of yourself is what life is all about.

Thank you, Moe and Gloria, for the very important reminder.

Let's be kinder to each other. Start with the neighbors! And let me know what you've done for your street fam on Facebook or message us on our app.

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