Amazing! Maine Teens Meet Thanks To A Message In A Bottle
We've all heard stories about finding a message in a bottle. But, let's be honest, no one really thinks it will happen to them.
Apparently, sometimes it really does happen.
According to WCSH 6, two Maine teens have met for the first time thanks to a message in a bottle.
Windham's Hannah Allen has always wanted to see what would happen if you put a message in a bottle and tossed the bottle into the Atlantic Ocean. Allen toss it into the ocean at Bayview Beach in Saco last week. Maine teen Kendall Jackson found it not too far away.
Always wanting to give back, Jackson loves to pick up trash on the beach. When she first saw the bottle, she thought it was a piece of garbage. Then, she saw the letter inside.
The letter inside the bottle asked the finder to "spread some kindness together". It asked the finder to text the sender so she would know where the bottle ended up.
Not wanting to disappoint the sender, Jackson texted Allen. The two met in person on Thursday.
What's the most-amazing thing you've found? Have you ever found a message in a bottle? Let us know by messaging us through our app or on Facebook.
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