Brittany Rose Says Goodbye
Know what’s exhausting? Having news and not being able to tell anyone about it. I’ve felt like I was going to burst for weeks now. You see, I’m leaving Townsquare Augusta/Waterville at the end of the year.
To get an idea of where I’m going I think it’s important to tell you where I’ve been.
I was the kid who never really had a solid answer to the question, “What do you want to do when you grow up?” As I got older I started really paying attention to the morning show on my way to school. Then I got a stereo in my room and my before school routine revolved around listening to a morning show. These people became part of my day. I was invested in the stories about their lives, the pop culture discussions, and local news. It was one small constant through adolescence.
Into high school, I started thinking about how cool it would be to work in radio. To get paid to laugh. That always stuck with me. How lucky they are to have a job like that. But working in radio didn’t seem possible for me. I wasn’t the type to be lucky enough to do that. There would be a lot of competition. I don’t want to leave Maine and there’s only so much opportunity. It would be silly of me to go to college for something that would never happen. Basically, I convinced myself that this wasn’t an option for little ol’ me. Despite that, I wanted a taste so I did my senior year required job shadow right here, with 92 Moose.
It was a really cool experience for my 17-year-old self. But again. Radio wasn’t an option for me. Right?
I went to college for a bit. I worked in banking, waitressing, mental health, insurance, and more. My envy continued for the people I listened to during my commutes. They were having fun and I was about to work somewhere that didn’t satisfy my heart and soul whatsoever. Don’t get me wrong, I worked for and with some amazing people and companies. But I hated the fact that I dedicated 40+ hours of my week to jobs I did because I had to, not because I wanted to.
Then a unique opportunity appeared out of nowhere. After expressing interest in radio I was kindly invited to sit in on The Moose Morning Show. I’ll be honest, my first thought was “No way!” I was in my mid-20’s. These people don’t actually want me there. It was one thing to do it as a cute teenager for a school project but I thought if not now, when?
I’m a daydreamer, big time. I envisioned the day playing out like a movie. That someone would see something in me and offer me a shot at the one thing I’ve wanted to do for years.
Spoiler alert: That’s pretty much what happened.
Before I left, Matt James, who I hadn’t met before that day, asked me into his office. I sat down and he asked, “Have you ever thought about working here?”
Um. YES.
So that began my relationship with Townsquare Augusta/Waterville. I eventually became a street teamer. I would help out on the Moose Morning Show when needed and was given my own weekend show. I thought it was the best thing ever. I may not get to do it full time, but I’M FREAKING DOING IT. I was stoked.
Then at the end of 2018 I asked to come in after my day job. I didn’t think much of it. It was on the way home. I figured someone needed a female voice for a commercial or something. I couldn’t have been more wrong.
I was asked if I wanted a spot on a morning show for B98.5.
View this post on InstagramJust a couple of morning show hosts! #BuzzandBrittany @b98.5
After the initial shock wore off I said of course. I was excited and terrified.
The beginning of January 2019 began Buzz and Brittany in the Morning. What a trip it was to hear the “voice-guy” say my name. MY NAME. On the radio. I’M FREAKING DOING IT.
View this post on InstagramA post shared by Brittany Rose 🌹🎙️💋 (@brittany_207) on
This year and the part-time years before brought me so much joy and adventure. I got to be a part of the last few Requestathons with 92 Moose, raising thousands of dollars for Speical Olympics Maine.
I got to go to Parris Island to get a taste of what it’s like to be a Marine.
View this post on InstagramBalance. #ews #educatorsworkshop2018 #obstaclecourse
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I lived at Kennebec Valley Humane Society to raise $5,000 for the shelter with B98.5.
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I camped out in the Sam’s Club parking lot for both stations for Camp Out Hunger raising about $10,000 for local food pantries and about $20,000 worth of food donated to the Salvation Army.
View this post on InstagramTruck #1=FULL BABYYYY Let's keep this thang going! #campouthunger
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All that along with parades, events, live broadcasts, contests, and more. Every moment incredible.
Plus the people here are nothing short of amazing. I work with people I listened to for years. People who are a wealth of knowledge of the industry and so willing to teach. People that leave me in stitches day in and day out.
So, why would I walk away from that? Well, I wasn’t planning on it.
A few weeks back I was approached with an opportunity from another Townsquare Media market. Something I thought may happen in a few years. Certainly not now. Certainly not this soon. But...if not now, when?
As much as I love it here. As much as the people here have become my family. I have to see what else I’m capable of. I have to try. And if I don’t do it now, when?
I will be finishing out 2019 here and in 2020 someone will take my place. Whoever she may be I hope you all welcome her as you welcomed me into your homes, your cars, your social media, each and every day.
I won’t be far. I won’t be a stranger to Central Maine. Home is where the heart is and much of my heart is here.
Thank you for supporting me on this crazy journey and being the best listeners in the world.
"I wanna taste love and pain
Wanna feel pride and shame
I don't wanna take my time
Don't wanna waste one line
I wanna live better days
Never look back and say
Could have been me
It could have been me..."
-Could Have Been Me, The Struts
Brittany Rose
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