Erskine Academy Collects 3,500+ Boxes of Cereal for Food Banks
A couple of weeks ago Cony High School did the 'Domino Effect Cereal Box Challenge' and successfully raised more than 1,000 boxes of cereal for local, Central Maine food banks. After completing the challenge they decided to send it out to other schools in the area, too. One of those schools just so happens to be my alma mater, Erskine Academy.. class of 2006 baby!
Over the last couple of weeks, staff and students alike have been working diligently to not only complete the challenge but to raise at least one more box of cereal than Cony did. Ya gotta have a little healthy competition, right? Well I'm super-pleased to announce that as of this morning, the Erskine Eagles have managed to raise just north of 3,500 boxes of cereal in just a matter of a couple weeks. (Photos by Blais Photography)
This was a massive success to say the least and I couldn't be more proud of them! It's so exciting to see our local high schools working so hard to give back to the communities they serve. If you missed it on Monday, here is the video of 3,500+ cereal boxes falling like dominoes at Erskine Academy. Skip ahead to the 2:00 minute mark to see the action!
Here's what a few of Erksine's students had to say!
My name is Katie Williams, I am a sophomore, and I represent the Erskine JMG program. On March 18th, the Cony JMG program challenged Erskine to collect 1000 boxes of cereal in 2 weeks. We call this the EA Domino Effect- Cereal Box challenge. The domino effect is all about showing that the kindness of one community can cause a domino effect in others. That is exactly what we have experienced here at Erskine. We want to thank Cony for this challenge as it has brought our students, their families and our surrounding communities together to help feed people and support our local food banks.
Hi my name is Delaney Ireland, and I’m the president of Erskine’s National Honor Society and vice president of Student Council. By being a part of both of these clubs, I had the opportunity to work with a huge group of people that were invested in making this challenge a success. When the challenge was first announced, we went crazy trying to get as many people and groups involved as possible, as quickly as possible. These groups included JMG, Leo Club, NHS, and Student Council, each bringing in passionate people with their own ideas of how to make the fundraiser a success (which it very much was). But we didn’t stop there. We reached out to our sending schools, the future Erskine Eagles from China, Vassalboro, Palermo, Jefferson, and Whitefield middle schools, who each pulled together as much cereal as they could with the time they were given. We are beyond grateful for all the EA students and staff, clubs and sending schools students willingness to step up to the challenge and thank you again for helping us- help others.
Hi, my name is Abby Blair, and I am the president of LEO Club. To start off, I would just like to thank everyone involved in making this challenge such a huge success. Our goals could not have been accomplished without the generous amount of donations from everyone in our community. Specifically, I would like to thank the whitefield lions club, pyro city, central church, Chadwicks,92 Moose, Roddy’s Redemption, Hannaford, Shaws, and goggins IGA. Additionally we would also like to send a huge thank you to all of our community members, alumni, students and staff members that sent in cereal and cash donations because by doing so, you are helping countless people in need. All boxes will be donated to area food banks in Chelsea, China, Palermo, Windsor, Whitefield, Jefferson and Vassalboro. Once again, we would just like to say a massive thank you to everyone involved we couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you!
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