Four Maine Burger King Locations Closing Permanently
In addition to the tens of thousands of people killed by COVID-19, the pandemic has also wreaked havoc with our economy. Sadly, this has lead to the closure of many local businesses.
The latest closures include four Maine Burger King locations.
According to the Bangor Daily News, the four restaurants closing are the Hogan Road Bangor location, the Burger King on Stillwater Avenue in Orono, High Street in Ellsworth, and the location on Camden Street in Rockland.
All of the affected locations are owned by Orono's Steve Wegner. Earlier this year, he closed all of his northern Maine locations.
Fortunately, for people in Central Maine, the Burger King locations in Augusta, Waterville, Lewiston, and Auburn are not affected by these closures.
The announcement comes on the day that Burger King's nationwide launch a new Dollar Menu.
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