Gardiner Music Walk Happening Saturday (April 22)
Saturday is shaping up as a fun day in beautiful downtown Gardiner with lots of events, great music, and many things scheduled throughout the day.
Here's a run down on what's happening Saturday in Gardiner.
8:00AM- NICHE, INC. Opens it's doors and begin offering the limited edition Record Store Day Releases.
11:00AM-12:00PM- Justin Walton will be giving an in store performance at Niche, Inc.
12:00PM-3:00PM- Eric Brown will be showing off a demo of his custom guitars at Niche, Inc.
2:00PM-6:00PM The Bench is having a Bikini Bike Wash and BBQ
2:00PM Pee-Wee's Big Adventure will be showing at Johnson Hall only $5 for adults, $2 for kids.
3:00PM-4:00PM Alden Gilg a talented 9 year old fiddle player will be performing in Craft Beer Cellar Gardiner
4:00PM-6:00PM- Drum Circle in Johnson Park
4:00PM-7:00PM- Craft Beer Cellar Gardiner has a FREE Dogfish Head Beer Tasting, Official Beer of #RSD17
5:00-8:00- Downtown Gardiner Music Walk kicks off starting at Canton Village, and Healthy Smiles The music walk takes the successful concept of Art Walk, and infuses a mix of jazz, rock, rhythm, and soul. Throughout Downtown Gardiner, music will waft in and out of businesses to create a festive evening of shopping, dining, mingling, and community.
7:30PM- Main Event Comedy Night at Johnson Hall 21+
More information can be found on the Gardiner Main Street Facebook Page.
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