How A Maine Dental Hygienist Saved 9 Year Old Patient’s Life
Most of us have the utmost respect for our Maine healthcare workers. We have the deepest respect for each one, from the cleaning crews to the nurses to the surgeons. Each is important in their own way.
We extend our respect to our dental workers, as well. They are, after all, part of our healthcare system.
This story serves as a reminder of why they are so important to that system.
According to WMTW, a Maine dental hygienist probably saved the life of her 9 year old patient. Sherry Laliberte is a dental hygienist who works for MCD Public Health. One of her duties is providing dental screenings at Maine public schools.
During a recent exam, she noticed the gums of her patient, a 9 year old girl, looked abnormal. Because they looked a little off, Laliberte did some digging. What she found was that the girl's mother had Stage 4 Kidney Failure, which was genetic. After learning that, she requested the girl be tested. It turned out she had Stage 2 Kidney Failure. Fortunately, though, because it was caught so early, there was a "good outcome".
Sadly, because of the cost of dental care, many lower income families fail to take their children to the dentist on a regular basis. Programs like the one that Sherry LaLiberte works for help alleviate this for younger children. Hopefully, these children getting the proper care when they are young will lead them to understand the importance of getting needed dental care once they ae our of the program.
Thanks again to Sherry LaLiberte and all of our healthcare workers.
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