It’s A Yard Sale Kinda Weekend – Get Your Bargain ON
It's that time of year. Time to go through all of your stuff and see if you can get someone else to buy your stuff you no longer want. That's right, it's lawn sale/yard sale/garage sale/estate sale season. And I am no different then the rest of you, I'm getting my junk I don't want together to see if anyone wants my junk.
I have a huge array of stuff, like old fishing poles, appliances that have never left the box, glass ware that is no longer used. How many wine glasses does one person need (asking for a friend). Have you done this as well and found stuff you totally forgot you had? the danger with this is thinking, wait - I may need that some time. Let me tell you, if you forgot you had it and didn't buy another, you don't need it. This is my mantra while doing the preparations.
I made up a sign to post on the local market places on facebook. I also spelled the name of the town wrong, but didn't correct it. I think it makes the sign interesting.
The house is a disaster, the garage is a disaster and the basement isn't far behind. And those dang squirrels in the garage, they get into everything. My wife says I can't put out poison for them because an owl may eat them and get sick, I do have a handy Red Ryder B.B. gun... but that would be illegal, plus I don't want to shoot my eye out. (laugh here)
After this is all over, someone else will think they've found a bargain, I'll have a little cash in my pocket and room to by more stuff. Are you with me?
Yard Sale nation unite!
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