Lawrence Students Walk Out In Protest Of Principal’s Resignation
Over 300 students at Lawrence High School came together in support of their well-liked principal, walking out of class today (Wednesday, April 24) over the superintendent's recent decision surrounding the restructuring of the school district administration. The students declared the situation was unfair and they felt the principal, Mark Campbell, was forced out of the school.
According to Centralmaine.com, Campbell voluntarily resigned on Friday, April 19, after reaching a financial settlement with the SAD 49 board.
In January, the school board decided they would restructure both the high school and middle schools, eliminating the principals of Lawrence High School and Lawrence Junior High School, as well as three assistant principals and a number of other school officials.
According to Centralmaine.com, the students marched to the superintendent's office in the bad weather, signs in hand hoping to voice their opinion. The superintendent however, did not make an appearance, the story said.
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