Local Husband Who Walks Over A Million Steps Featured On WCSH 6
Last month, I shared Adam Page's journey to walk a million steps for his wife. After exceeding his goal, Adam is bringing awareness to Maine and the country about chiari malformation & EDS. As a fellow chiarian, I'm honored to know Adam and so proud of his hard work and dedication.
Celina, Adam's wife, suffers from chiari malformation & EDS (Ehler's Danlos Syndrome). Just like me and my lil chiari buddy Connor, Celina deals with chronic debilitating pain from these mystery diseases that have no cure. Adam wanted to do something to show his support and help bring awareness. Watch his story:
Thank you Adam!!!
Help Adam & Celina, Connor & his 2 sisters, me & my daughter and many others in the state of Maine Conquer Chiari by joining us in the Conquer Chiari Walk Across America with locations in Southern & Central Maine. Click here to join the walks (It's FREE) and pick your location.
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