Looking For A Sign That It’s Time To Leave Your Job?
Have you been contemplating a change in careers? Not finding the satisfaction you once did in the job you do? If you can agree with any of these 14 signs that it's time to find a new job...then you should consider freshening up your resume.
According to Forbes, these are the 14 signs it's time to leave...
- You lack the passion
- You're miserable every morning
- Your company is sinking
- You dislike the people you work with and/or your boss
- You're consistently stressed, negative and/or unhappy at work
- Work related stress is affecting your physical health
- You don't believe in the company anymore
- Your work performance is suffering
- You no longer have a good work/life balance
- Your skills aren't being tapped
- Your job duties have changed/increased...but your pay hasn't
- Your ideas are not being heard
- You are bored
- You are experiencing verbal abuse, sexual harassment or are aware of some form of illegal behavior
Be happy with what you do.