Maine Horse Getting a New Penis
An animal rescue shelter in Bridgton, Maine is looking to help a 15-year old horse named Richard. The horse came to the shelter from a horse dealer in Charleston, Maine because the horse is in pain from his penis.
According to Brogan Horton, who’s been caring for Richard for a few weeks, says the pony’s situation is becoming worse. There is a lot of drainage coming from different holes in the penis which drains out onto his back legs and freezes.
They say the pain is unbearable for the pony so they have raised $3,000 for the surgery need to correct the situation.
On bangordailynews Horton says they will take a few inches off the ‘ugly mass’ and create a new organ for him. Horton said normally we don’t do this, that’s a really high expense for one horse, but he suffered for so long he deserves some time when he’s not suffering.
You can donate to help the lil fella by going to the fundraising page by YouCaring
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