Small Maine Town Named One Of The Best Girls Weekend Destinations
Alright ladies, sometimes you just need a girls weekend, right? No significant others, just quality time with your friends. Dinner, drinks, and adventures.
Of course, when it comes to these weekends, everyone has a different idea of what they should be like. Some people live for the nightlife of Boston, New York, or Las Vegas. For others, they want to get away from everything (and everyone) in a remote vacation rental. Still others love the idea of adventuring in a small town.
If this is you, Far And Wide has put together the perfect list of small towns for the ultimate girls weekend. This list contains towns from all parts of the country. From Massachusetts, to Wisconisin, to California, to Hawaii.
The highlight for us, though, is the fact that they selected a popular Coastal Maine town to be a part of the list!
Bar Harbor
According to the article, they chose Bar Harbor to be on the list because of how picuresque the town is. At the right town (when the weather is warmer, but it is not slammed with tourists), the town really does look like something out of a movie.
The article suggestions that you stay at The Primrose Inn. One of the great things about staying here is how close it is to all that downtown has to offer. So, you can park once and explore the town on foot. If you have ever been to Bar Harbor at the height of tourist season you know that the last thing you want to be doing is dealing with traffic and trying to find a parking space, right?
When it comes to places to eat, we can suggest all kinds of great restaurants. Geddy's is iconic! There's also The Reading Room. And, for drinks, you need to check out The Thirsty Whale.
And, of course, Bar Harbor is adjacent to Acadia National Park, so there is so much to do.
What is your favorite place for a weekend away in New England? Let us know through our app.
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