We hope you enjoyed your Father's Day. Maybe you treated Dad to a barbecue or even bought him a nice gift. Maybe you even used Google to research a gift idea for Dad. Estately.com researched what each of the U.S. states Google searched more than any of the other states. So what do Mainers Google search the most when it comes to Dad related things?
AHHHHH....too cute!! Daughter and daddy make up, "The Rookies." Dad is also a singer/songwriter. The little girl is four. She is cute. She has a voice and she has some great moves!
Father’s Day in the United States, United Kingdom and Canada falls on the third Sunday in June. The first Father’s Day celebration was in 1910 in Spokane, Washington but it didn’t become an official holiday until 1972. Father’s Day is celebrated around the world and varies from country to country.
If you can get past the initial nose picking in this video, you're in for a pretty good time. We don't think that repeatedly karate chopping the back of someone's hand is necessarily the best way to disarm a person with a knife, but it's funny because it's a baby who is dressed up like a mugger.
The singing dads in this video have clearly each raised at least one 'The Little Mermaid' fan. Otherwise, how would all the words to the movie's classic song 'Part of Your World' come so easily to them?
Babies imitate their parents all the time, as anybody who has accidentally let a curse word slip in front of a baby can tell you. But sometimes this is less embarrassing and more cute.
Witness, for example, these twins "learning" how to sneeze courtesy of their dad...
When Tammy Faile and her two children were chosen as the military family of the game for South Carolina's match up Saturday against the University of Georgia, they probably expected some sort of message from their husband and father Sgt. First Class Scott Faile, who is stationed in South Korea.
And that's what they got at halftime, a video message on the University of South Carolina’s Williams-Bri