
Millennial’s Don’t Want Driver’s Licenses
Millennial’s Don’t Want Driver’s Licenses
Millennial’s Don’t Want Driver’s Licenses
I've been hearing so many people talk about how their children in their late teens into late twenties don't have their licenses and have no interest. This, to me, seems unfathomable. Do they simply remain at home or worse, completely dependent upon their parents? Do they rely on public transportation and if so clearly they don't live in rural areas.
Sharon’s Parents On Valentine’s Day
Sharon’s Parents On Valentine’s Day
Sharon’s Parents On Valentine’s Day
It's the week of Valentine's and, of course, men are scrambling to find a card or a box of chocolate's, even diamonds, to give to their sweetheart. Women, well, we are ready with a homemade romantic dinner with candles we only bring out once a year. Maybe we'll slip into something more comfortable a little later on. Growing up, my Dad always got my Mom a card with a monkey on it. A small box Whitm
Bring In Your Parents to Work
Bring In Your Parents to Work
Bring In Your Parents to Work
LinkedIn is a professional networking site and they have come up with a new idea, ‘Bring In Your Parents Day’. It happened on November 7th and countries around the world participated.  This is a day designed to have employees bring their parents to work with them in order for them to see exactly what is their kids do.

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