I don't have an Elf on the Shelf at our house, but I'm constantly seeing just how mischievous they are, as well as some of the craziest places they end up. It got me curious, and I needed to know if our listeners had a sweet and innocent elf or if they had one of the Elfs that always end up in the strangest places...
According to a Facebook event put on by the Augusta Downtown Alliance and Augusta Parks and Recreation - Maine, Santa will be taking time out of his busy schedule to make some special phone calls. Calls from Santa will take place over two days, December 10th and December 21st...
Mr. and Mrs. Clause are bringing a bit of magic, lights, and a whole lot of Christmas cheer to Central Maine. I personally think a whole lot of Christmas cheer is exactly what we need right now; if you agree, keep reading.
According to the Mr...
In Australia they broke a record for the most Santa Claus’s taking a surfing lesson. Retailer RedBallon organized the attempt at Bondi Beach.
Three days ago the Cherry Hill Mall in New Jersey announced they would be charging to Santa this Christmas. They wanted parents to pay $35 to $50 to get a picture or video and Santa exhibit for their kids. Parents were not happy. Two days ago, the Mall has changed their mind.
Rob Hoffman of Rangeley, Maine has been spending the past few weeks at President's Park in Washington D.C. He's been greeting boys and girls as Santa Claus. Hoffman is a retired airline pilot and has portrayed Santa for the past eight years.
We love Santa. We really do! He's probably the coolest old guy we know, spending his life making presents, managing elves and eating cookies. Truth be told, we're sort of jealous. The jolly old guy usually looks bright and cheery and not all that scary, which is yet another reason we're fans.