This Week’s Edition Of Missed Connections On Craigslist
Here we go again. Some pretty funny missed connections...some creepy (can't post those) and then some just plain sweet. So here ya go...
May Birthdays at Hannaford In Augusta
Early morning Thursday, you were preparing for some May birthdays in the checkout line at Hannaford. I was ahead of you.
The cashier looked at what you had and said she was going home with you. I said I was, too. I'm not normally flirty, but you were so cute and friendly. I enjoyed flirting with you; you made my day.
Perhaps we'll find ourselves in line again sometime soon.
A passing glace at Augusta Walmart...This guy is NOT interested btw.
I was in Walmart yesterday and we passed. I nervously looked down at my shoelace pretending it was undone because you made eye contact with me. I felt my anxiety raise so I took a left handed turn into the electronics section where I felt better. Glancing back towards your location I noticed you picking up various items such as, frozen waffles, mini muffins and a can of corn beef hash... I can not eat heavy in the morning like that, so I'm not interest.
Excuse me miss, but I think you may be interested in me.. I'm not available ok.
Possible connection at outside Augusta jail
You were standing outside of the correctional facility smoking last Sunday early am You are strikingly beautiful and I would love to hear your name.
Live in Winslow...But met in Augusta
You are a 12 on the 10 scale.
You have no idea how much I find you amazing and I can't keep my mind off you.
You have had it tough, but I think you could have the world at your knees.
You are 27 and I am older than you.
You will never know how I feel because you are way out of my league.
What I wouldn't give to be with you....without end....
EP With those hands in Augusta
I've always wondered what they'd feel like on me. I thought about visiting you at work, but it's been so long since we've spoken. You probably won't remember me, but I thought you were special. I'll be in town and was hoping we could finally meet. Message me back, EP.
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