Waterville High School Plans Drive-In Graduation
According to the KJ, Waterville High School will be holding an actual, in-person graduation.
Normally, Waterville's graduation is held at the Harold Alfond Athletic Center at Colby College. However, due to social distancing restrictions put in place because of the coronavirus, that will not be able to happen.
Central Maine Motors owners Chris and Linanne Gaunce, who have a son graduating this year, proposed a unique solution. They'll be clearing their dealership lot on KMD in order to hold a drive-in commencement ceremony.
The 105 graduating seniors, and their parents, will be able to listen to the event while sitting in their cars in the General Motors lot. Then, the graduates will be called up to the staging area, ten at a time, to receive their diplomas. Because the Toyota lot is at a higher elevation than the GM lot, it will act as the stage.
Extended family and friends will be able to watch the graduation on a Facebook live video feed.
The event will take place at 7 PM on Thursday, June 11th.
Big shout out to the Gaunce's for being so generous!
Another instance of Mainer ingenuity overcoming obstacles.

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