With many Maine towns already getting a winter's worth of snow, take the time to get the snow off your roof. I know, we are all tired and sore from just shoveling the driveway and steps, but it's very important to clean off the roof.

The average modern roof is built to withstand 20 pounds per horizontal square foot.

Not all snow weighs the same. The light, dry, fluffy snow has a lower water content than the heavy, wet snow.

Here's a guideline of the amount of snow on your roof and the weight that it equals.

(load per square foot)

24 inches = 17 lbs.
47 inches = 33 lbs.
72 inches = 50 lbs.

So don't wait for spring to take care of the snow on your roof.

You can roof rake, hire a professional to remove the snow off your roof, there are even roof melting products.

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