15 Items Our Listeners Must Have When Traveling By Plane
We can all agree that getting on a plane these days is a major pain. Between getting to the airport, airport security, mask requirements, and everything else... And, there is nothing worse than getting to your gate, or getting on the plane, only to find that you left something important behind.
Whether it be your boarding pass to get on the plane, gum that helps make your ears pop during elevation, a pillow to help you catch a few z's, or even motion sickness meds, either way, these are not things you want to forget at home.
So what is the best and most needed items that you should always have with you for air travel?
We asked our listeners to give their input, and here is what they had to say in no particular order. Some of these items are items you likely would already have with you, like your phone and a mask, but just in case you need a reminder, they are on there too!
15 Must Have Items Our Listeners Take When Flying
- Tissues
- Cell Phone Charger
- Motion Sickness Medication
- Chapstick
- Boarding Pass
- Gum
- Pillow
- Hand Sanitizer
- Blanket
- Book/Magazine
- Mask
- Snacks
- Tablet
- Headphones
- Disinfecting Wipes
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