21 year old Michael Kotch of Upper Milford Township, Pennsylvania has become a youtube sensation. He posted a video of him solving a Rubik's Cube while doing one-armed pushups. It all came about from Michael responding to a contest on bodybuilder.com. He combined his physical strength and mental agility and shot a video in September. It features Kotch shirtless, doing push-ups with one hand while solving a Rubik's Cube with the other. He did it all in just 25 seconds!

The youtube video went viral and to date has had more than 400,000 views and it even landed him a guest spot on the Tonight Show with Jay Leno.

Kotch, a student at DeSales University, did win the online contest and he's competed in several Rubik's Cube competitions along the east coast. His record time for solving the Rubik's Cube is 8.31 seconds, that ranks him 16th in the country.

After his appearance on the Tonight Show, Kotch received over a dozen calls from networks asking to air his video or have him perform.

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