Can You Guess the Longest River in Massachusetts?
New England has a heck of a lot of water.
We've already chatted about the deepest and longest lakes and rivers in New Hampshire, aka Lake Winnipesaukee and the Connecticut River, respectively. One of the country's most dangerous rivers is in the Granite State as well. We also concluded the longest river in Maine to be the Saint John River, with a total length of 418 miles, and the deepest Maine lake to be Sebago Lake, at 300+ feet.
But what about Massachusetts?
The Bay State is home to more than 20 rivers, 1,500 miles of coastline, and a whopping 3,000+ lakes and ponds, according to the state's official website. We know that its deepest lake is the Quabbin Reservoir, but which of its rivers is the longest?
According to WorldAtlas, Massachusetts shares the same longest river as New Hampshire: the Connecticut River.
This massive river "rises from the border between Quebec, Canada, and the United States and then empties into the Long Island Sound," states WorldAtlas. Despite its name, the Connecticut River flows into or through five states (plus Canada). It also drains an 11,260-mile area, and is comprised of "148 tributaries which include 38 main rivers and some ponds and lakes." In short, this 406-mile-long river is massive.
Besides the Connecticut River, the rivers coming in as the #2 and #3 longest in the Bay State are the Housatonic and Merrimack, respectively.
Speaking of bodies of water, let's take a look inside this gorgeous $19.5M New Hampshire lake house:
Read On: Take a Peak Inside This $19.5M Lake House in New Hampshire
Gallery Credit: Jolana Miller
Here's a look at another lake house that you can rent with your friends up in Maine:
You and 15 Friends Can Rent Out an Immaculate Lodge on Sebago Lake in Maine
Gallery Credit: Joey
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