Does Crafting Help Your Anxiety Like It Does Kristi’s
I'm still a newbie here at B98.5 and we are all still getting to know each other. I figured now is a good time to share with you some of my own personal struggles.
I've been one who has battled anxiety most of my life, but it wasn't until this past year that it struck me harder then it ever has. From anxious sweats to full blown panic attacks where I cant breathe, let alone think. My anxiety even gets so bad sometimes that my arms and face will go numb.. yeah, its NO fun.
One of the biggest things I've learned over the past year is that crafting gives me a huge sense of relief when I'm in a funk. It doesn't matter the craft as long as I've got a good DIY project that I can dive into. Crafting seems to wash all my worries away, for a little while at least.
Yesterday afternoon hit me HARD. I realized that our children haven't been to school or seen their friends in over a month.. I have huge mom guilt right now.
Am I doing enough?
How do I juggle being a full time essential worker, Mom and now their full time school teacher?
All the thoughts..
Instead of falling down that rabbit hole, I decided to bust out my CriCut cutting machine and get to crafting.
I ended up making the cutest earrings out of faux leather. Like sooo cute, that I knew the exact person I needed to gift them to! That person would be Renee, one of the co-hosts from the Moose Morning show on 92 Moose!
Crafting may be a great stress relief, but gift giving is an absolute favorite of mine. I just love seeing the look on someones face when I have handmade a gift for them. It really warms my heart.
If you are like me and struggle with either Anxiety try crafting or find something that you enjoy and make it your new go-to when are feeling overwhelmed. It's very therapeutic and has really helped me!
Also, if you ever need to chat, please don't hesitate or be afraid to reach out I feel your pain.
We are in this struggle together!

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