Donated Water Street Building Is The New Home Augusta Teen Center
According to Centralmaine.com, the Boys & Girls Club of Augusta Teen Center is moving into a new home at 244 Water St., giving youth in the Augusta area a loving, inspirational, and welcoming place close to home.
The Teen Center offers local youth the chance to be mentored, learn life skills needed to join the workforce as well as socialization skills needed to succeed. This includes crisis and mental health services provided by Crisis & Counseling Centers of Augusta so youth that may be in need of therapy but don't have it provided elsewhere.
The building at 244 Water St, which is a longtime bank building, and also homed several offices for the department of health and human services was donated to the Boys & Girls Clubs Teen Center by Augusta developer Richard McGoldrick. Rick owns several downtown buildings some of which he has also donated.
Augusta Teen Center is expected to open at the new Water St location sometime this fall.
The Teen Center use to see an average of 50 teens a day before the coronavirus pandemic, but with restrictions and social distancing, that number has dropped in half with an attendance of roughly 25 teens a day. The new location in downtown Augusta will provide more room and in turn, can provide more teens the opportunity to be guided and mentored by some of Augusta's greatest business owners.
The teen center is currently located in the Buker Community Center. Find out more about the center on their Facebook page.
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