Happy 3rd Birthday To Our Fur Baby Brandi
It's kind of funny, when I started dating my husband Stephen, I wasn't a dog person unless they were pocket-sized, of course. But, I knew at some point I would want to add a furry friend because, well, I wanted one, and so did our kids.
It wasn't an easy decision; I wanted a pocket-sized dog small enough to put in my purse and take it with me everywhere. Stephen wanted nothing to do with a smaller sized dog. In fact, he would only agree to a big dog. Big dog, or no dog.
So, we compromised and got a big dog. or 3 LOL.
First, we added sweet little Abigail and her mom, Katie, to our lives, but once we heard there was one last puppy that needed to be loved, we scooped her right up. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen circumstances of difference in personalities, Abby and Katie went to live with another family member. And, it's exactly where they were meant to be.
The best part is the third dog definitely wasn't on our radar after getting the first 2. But, when something is meant to happen, it does. You see, we were meant to have Brandi all along, and in the end, we had a part in finding Abby and Katie their forever home.
Fun Fact: Brandi wasn't always named Brandi. First, we named her Piper, then we named her Alice, but no matter what we called her, she didn't listen to our commands. At that point, I busted out our baby name book from when we were expecting our human babies, and started at A and read every name. NOTHING, nothing even slightly peaked her attention, that was until I said, Brandi. Her attention peaked, and she looked right at us. We thought it might be a fluke, so we kept saying it, no fluke she loves her name and is probably the smartest girl I know!
Today our sweet, anxiety-ridden, sloppy kissing, fur baby turns 3, and it has been the best 3 years of our lives!
Happy 3rd Birthday, Brandi!
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