This is the very first year that I found out about with extremely exclusive and mysterious restaurant called, The Lost Kitchen. You can't just walk in or even call and ask for a reservation. You've got to work a little and that is the most enticing part.

Located in Freedom name, The Lost Kitchen. Apparently, I have been hiding under a rock apparently and now I am so happy to have uncovered this mystifying spot in Maine.

The Lost Kitchen brings you to a fantasy place of wonder and imagination. I mean come on you guys, just take a gander at the description from their Facebook page, its epic!

Dinner can be so much more than a meal. It’s a moment and a memory. It’s a space created with love and intention to make you feel warm inside.

From the flowers, to the flicker of candlelight, down to every last note that wafts over the speakers. A magical meal is so much more than just food, it’s a delicious feeling that fills you up and lasts with lingering loving memories for a long time.

Do you want tickets? Well, your girl has the inside scoop. Just follow my instructions very carefully and you may get lucky enough to experience The Lost Kitchen.

Have you ever heard of post card bookings? No, me neither. According to Bangor Daily, because they were getting inundated with phone calls and bookings they decided to mix things up and offer post card bookings. This means, you send in a postcard between  certain dates asking for a reservation and they begin to choose them and calling back. The Lost Kitchen does this until the entire season is seated and booked.

We do not know when the dates to send your postcards in will be yet, but it's coming. The air is changing and their is a feeling in the wind. In order to find out when these dates are, make sure to check their website here.

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