I definitely live in the wrong state.  I dislike winter....all 8 months of it!  And according to the National Weather Service we are going to get a few inches of snow for parts of the state tomorrow.  So, I will keep calm and pretend I'm at the beach.

Here are 10 Reasons why I hate the snow:

  1. Snow is cold
  2. When it snows, people forget how to drive
  3. Lift with your knees...snow is HEAVY
  4. Wake up even earlier so you can clean your car and drive-way
  5. Power outages
  6. Watch your step...the clumsy are even more clumsier
  7. Wet shoes
  8. Ugly slushy mess on the roads
  9. Cabin fever
  10. Watch out for yellow snow

But, I'm not going to lie.  There is a hint of me that does appreciate it.  What would the Holidays be without snow?  And, of course, snow gave us Olaf and warm hugs.

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