It's been a few years since I have attempted a New Year's Resolution.

The last time I tried to make a major change in my life was on January 1st, 2020.  My goal was to walk more steps than I did the previous day.  I managed to keep that up for a few months and then this thing called a pandemic changed the way we lived our lives.  That 'new normal' made it much more difficult to continue with that resolution.

As we kickoff 2025, I have decided it is time to try another New Year's Resolution.

This year, I intend to take on several resolutions.  I'll get into the others later. Right now, we're going to focus on what may be the most difficult resolution to keep.

If you have recently visited our studios, you may have seen the enormous tub of candy that we have in our hallway.  This candy was what remained from the successful Trick-or-Treat on Water Street Halloween event.

Over the last two months, we have slowly picked away at the tub of candy.  I saw "we" because we have all had a few pieces here or there, but the majority of it was eaten by me.

Cooper Fox
Cooper Fox

A quick Google search shows me that each piece of candy has between 20 and 30 calories.  Well, when we are talking about suckers and taffy candies.  Fancy chocolates have more calories, of course.

While that may not seem like much, but it really adds up when you eat a few dozen pieces per day. And when you are vertically challenged like I am, I cannot afford to add any extra weight.

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Once I noticed how many pieces of candy I was eating each day, I tried to curtail the amount I was eating.  I did not have much luck, though.  I found myself stress eating or boredom eating candy.  Even though I told myself I was going to limit myself to one or two pieces per day, it did not work.

Because of that, I have decided to completely give up candy.

A DJ friend gave up sugar COMPLETELY a few years ago and it has worked wonders for him.  I am not ready to give up desserts completely, but I am cutting out candy and I am going to limit the amount of desserts I eat.

Some of the other resolutions I have made for 2025 are:

  • Taking at least 6,000 steps per day - As I work in an industry where I spend much of my time standing or sitting, it is important to get enough physical activity in each day.
  • Eliminating distractions in my life - I have a bad habit of allowing myself to be distracted by 'time sucks' instead of focusing on only the important tasks.
  • Building my DJ/event business - In 2024, I was blessed to have my amazing gigs fall in my lap.  My hope for 2025 is that I would be able to expand my business and to, eventually, offer more services.

If you are taking on a resolution for 2025, I wish you all the best and wish you the greatest success.

Happy New Year!

20 Best Places in Maine for French Fries

Gallery Credit: Lori Voornas

PHOTOS: 12 of the Prettiest Views in Montana

Montana is one of the most beautiful places on earth. The best small towns in Montana are easy to find if you know where to look. And an interesting part of enjoying it's beauty is that you don't even have to leave the road to see stunning scenery. Simply driving on our major roads will supply you with picture perfect views.
We put together this series of pictures that we found only with Google Street View. If the Google car didn't go there, neither did we. Every shot here is a screen grab of somewhere on a road in Montana.

Gallery Credit: mwolfe

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