Mental Health Days Aren’t Just Okay, They’re A Necessity
If I can stress one thing to every single person that reads this, I'd stress that your mental health is the most important thing in your life. If you're not mentally stable, the world isn't getting the best version of you. And, not only is the world not getting the best version of you, neither are you!
Some days we need to step back and know that we as humans cannot mentally function at all times. There will be days where you are on top of the world, achieving every goal you've ever dreamed of. And then there will be days that you can't even get out of your own darn way.
Over the past year, I have hit huge goals of mine both in my career and personally, and for the most part, I've been on top of the world. Nothing feels better than when you are achieving things you've always wanted to. But, somewhere in the midst of it all, I didn't realize that I was starting to fill everyone else cup, and mine continuously stayed empty. I'm a giver; it's just who I am.
Yesterday, I woke up and knew that no matter how much I wanted to give, I mentally didn't have it in me to do so. I also realized that my kids had also reached their mental health capacity. So, together as a family, we took the day and did nothing but talk and spend time with each other. I have to say; it was exactly what the four of us needed.
Now, I know it's not easy to take time off whenever you need to. But I promise you; you will be thankful that you did, and so will your employer and loved ones. Don't be ashamed to say, "My cup is empty," and know that you need time to refill it.
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