Ready For Spring? Maine Will See Spring Temps This Week
Let's be honest, we have had a really mild winter. Yes, we have had to deal with a few significant snowstorms, and a nor'easter or two, but we never saw the massive quantities of snow that normally accompanies a Maine winter.
And, this is despite the fact that it appeared the Polar Vortex was going to bring us a lot of pain in January and February.
Now, it looks like we are going to get our first real taste of spring.
According to the National Weather Service, we'll see normal late winter weather today (Sunday) and tomorrow (Monday). Sunny with highs in the lower 30s, but that all changes starting Tuesday.
On Tuesday, Central Maine will see sunny skies with a high in the mid-40s.
On Wednesday, sunny with a high in the upper 40s.
And, on Thursday, sunny with a high in the lower 50s!
For the midcoast, the week will look about the same. It may, however, be slightly cooler due to ocean breezes, but only by a few degrees.
So, whether you live in Augusta, Waterville, Bangor, Camden, or Rockland, you're going to see warmer temperatures.
Even though you're excited about this news, keep in mind that it doesn't mean we still can't have some crazy winter weather in our future. In the spring of last year, as we were all getting used to the new COVID-19 guidelines, Maine got hit with a massive nor'easter that left many people without power for several days.
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