The Old Farmer’s Almanac Predicts A Milder Than Normal Winter
The million dollar question is...what can we expect for Winter this upcoming season? We all wish we could look through a looking glass and see the truth, unfortunately, that is not the case. But the almanac is the closest we're going to get. But which do we believe: Old Farmer's or Farmers?
While earlier this year, the Farmer's Almanac predicted a snowy winter for the Northeast. Well, the Old Farmer's Almanac paints a different picture (and gosh I hope it's true).
According to the 2018 edition (which is the 226 edition) states winter will be milder than normal but will have above-normal precipitation and snowfall. Late December and early February is predicted to be the coldest. While, the snowiest periods will be in late November, mid December & mid-to-late January.
So what can we gather from this? Winter sucks! And maybe both almanacs are correct.
Good news? Hot dry summer is on tap for next year.