Act Fast – Epic Games Giving “Grand Theft Auto 5″ Away For Free
I certainly wouldn't call myself a gamer. I do like to play Donkey Kong every now and again. Thanks to having kids I've picked up some 'Mario' skills along the way, treked through the wilds of the 'Elder Scrolls' and even learned to make a few hits in 'Call of Duty' although I have given up on 'Fortnite'.
During this pandemic I haven't been gaming any more than usual but I know a lot of people who have. Why not right? Epic Games has noticed too and they have decided to help take a few people down memory lane and offer the Rockstar Game huge hit 'Grand Theft Auto V Premium Edition' for FREE to keep forever at The Epic Games Game Store.
It's only being offered for FREE thru May 21st so make sure to get yours if you want it, or if you are like me, let a few of your friends know! Enjoy.
Please note, Grand Theft Auto V is a video game intended for mature audiences only.