Birding….It’s For The Birds!
I don't know what it is....the older I get I get more and more enamored with birds. I love hearing them, seeing them, feeding them, Im fascinated by their migratory path and impressed with those that brave the Maine winters here...yes, I'm looking at you black capped chickadee!
If you are relatively new to birding, as I am, there are wonderful resources, groups, and non-profits that help make the transition from newbie to "well versed" much much easier.
One of those is the Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge. Another is the Friends of Maine Coastal Islands. The Maine Coastal Islands National Wildlife Refuge offers a bird watching series called “Bird Time on the Coast” they get together as a group and take early morning walks all around the midcoast.
The cool thing is you meet local bird experts who know all about the birds in the area, ones that migrate, and ones that live here year round.
There are walks, talks and everything in between if you want to learn bird. Many things do require registration to participate but it is super easy to register by just CLICKING HERE.
Happy birding!
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