Dry For Decades, Booze Could Soon Again Flow In This Maine Town
It will surprise many people to know that Maine still has a fair number of towns and cities that are at least partially "dry". That is, there are restrictions when it comes to alcohol sales. In fact, there are about 100 Maine municipalities with some kind of restrictions.
Sometimes, it pertains to the type of alcohol (beer / wine versus hard alcohol), sometimes the regulations restrict the days when alcohol can be sold, still other towns have restrictions on the type of businesses that can sell alcohol. In some places, a convenience store may be able to sell beer, but a nearby restaurant cannot serve alcohol.
A 2021 report in the Bangor Daily News featured an interactive map that showed the various restrictions for different towns and cities. Completely dry towns include Bremen, Knox, Vienna, Littleton, Edinburg, Charleston, and Maxfield. In total, there are about three dozen that allow no liquor sales at all.
That could be about to change for one town, though.
According to Fox TV Bangor, on June 14th, the Eastern Maine Town of Corinth will vote on whether or not to allow liquor sales.
Voters in the town, which is just west of Old Town / Orono, could allow liquor sales, prevent liquor sales, or allow sales with restrictions.
Would you ever live in a dry town? Do you think there is any benefit to living in a dry town? Let us know by sending us a message through our app or on Facebook.
*It is important to note that, according to the aforementioned interactive map, agency liquor stores are allowed to sell alcohol in the town. However, it does not indicate whether that refers to stores that have licenses to sell alcohol or ONLY the state owned stores that the state had until the early 2000s. Also, the Maine Spirits site does not show any licensed stores in the town.
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