Mail Order Booze In Maine Could Soon Be A Common Thing
Some things are easy to have shipped to you. Just look at Amazon, they have built an entire empire based on having things shipped right to our door steps.
When it comes to wine and other spirits, it can get a little more challenging to have those shipped to our homes in Maine. According to a report from WGME, only about 5.5% of companies in the wine & spirit business outside of Maine can ship directly to homes here.
There is actually a Maine law on the books that requires those businesses to pony up a license fee, application fee, and a yearly renewal fee totaling over $300 just to sell to us Mainers. On top of that these businesses have to supply tracking data so that the state of Maine can collect taxes on those purchases.
I know what you're thinking...."There's got to be a better way"
Luckily, there is a bill making its way around the State House that hopes to make it much easier for these businesses to ship directly to Mainers. The new bill would allow distilleries, both those based in Maine and those from other states, to ship directly to the homes of Mainers.
In the meantime, luckily there are several Damon's Beverage & Redemptions around to get our fix...remember to tell them that we sent you!
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