Here Is Why You Should Download Our Free App!
There are many many many reasons that you should download our FREE B98.5 app, but I'll give you a few of the main reasons.
- You can stream us live from anywhere that your cellphone or tablet has service or wifi with the app.
- You can send Buzz Bradley & Kristi Marie from Buzz and Kristi in the Morning, Cooper Fox and Brittany Rose messages right through the app. It's super simple. All you do is hit the MESSAGE THE BEE button, and it comes straight to our studio.
- Not only can you send us messages, but you can also send us audio clips through the app. that way, if you want to participate with audio during our show, you can do so.
- We offer many exclusive contests and prizes through our app. And, the only way you can win those specific contests is by having our app.
- Another great benefit of having our app is you'll be the first of your friends to get local breaking news sent directly to your phone.
Those are just a few of the many reasons you should download our app right now!
Hey, have you downloaded our FREE app? If not, you totally should. With the app, you can stream us live anywhere at any time; you can also send us messages, win exclusive prizes, and you'll even get the latest breaking news sent right to your phone. Want to download the app right now? All you've got to do is enter your mobile number below, and we'll send a download link right to your mobile device. It's that easy!

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