Keep an Eye Out for This Dangerous Plant in Maine
Heracleum mantegazzianum, better known as Giant Hogweed, and part of the carrot family, is an invasive plant that appears sporadically throughout the state and looks similar to queen-Anne's-lace.
The plant is described as being able to grow as tall as 15 to 20 feet high, the stems are green with purple blotches, and has a white flower.
If you come across a plant that meets the descriptors above, use extreme caution. The Maine Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry advise that you do not touch the plant if possible. If you choose to remove the plant from your property be sure to wear gloves, long sleeves, long pants, and eye protection.
In the event you come into contact with Giant Hogweed be sure to thoroughly wash the exposed the area and stay out of the sun for 48 hours.
The rash from this plant isn't an ordinary rash. The sap from the plant removes your skin's natural protection from harmful UV rays thus the importance of staying out of the sun. Exposure runs the risk of third-degree burns and extremely painful blisters that can appear up to 20 hours after contact.
To rid the plant from your back yard you can do it manually, chemically, or with biocontrol using cattle and pigs who are able to eat hogweed without harm.
Be safe out there!
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