Kristi Celebrates 6 Months On The Morning Show
6 months can you believe it?
It's hard to believe its been 6 months since I signed on the dotted line and officially accepted this position. I didn't know "how" to be a Radio Personality or much about the digital world at all, but I knew that I was the girl that wanted it so badly. So, instead of saying, "I don't know how." I said, "well, if I really want this, I've got to start somewhere," & that's what I did.
It hasn't been easy, there have been days I've hated it and cried my weight in tears. Some days I would have rather died then learn another new thing *in the middle of a pandemic might I add* but something kept pulling me in. There have also been days where I cry because I could never have imagined I'd sit where I do today.
Over these past six months, I've grown substantially in more ways then I expected. I've grown both mentally and emotionally. I've found a job I love beyond measure and the fantastic people I work with, that's just a bonus. Never have I ever worked with a more supportive group of people that want nothing more than to see me succeed. Also, they have dogs, lots and lots of dogs that they bring in to visit me. Does it get any better than dog visits at work?
My takeaways from the past six months are If there is something in life you want to achieve, just start. Don't ask your self how. Just start. It's going to be scary, and if you're like me, there will be a lot of tears, but I promise you there will be a lot more good then bad. And, in the end, I won't be the only one living my dream, you will be living yours too!
Maybe, you don't even know what your dream job is just yet. If I can make a suggestion, do some serious soul searching, make a list of your wants and goals, and cross them off as you achieve them. Even on the most challenging days, the days that you want to give up, don't.
“Never give up on a dream just because of the time it will take to accomplish it. The time will pass anyway.” – Earl Nightingale
Here is a fun photo gallery so you can see just how these past 6 months looked through my eyes.
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