Thanks to the prevalence of high-quality cameras in our phones, and home security systems, we have been inundated with pictures & videos of strange things over the last few decades.

Every few days, someone in Maine posts a picture (or video) of a ghost, a cryptid monster, or a UFO.  In most cases, though, the unidentified flying object images end up being Elon Musk's Starlink satellites.

Even though I have seen some strange things in the past, I have never taken a picture of something unexplained.  Until recently, that is.

What Was the Strange Light Spotted Over Central Maine?

At about 2 p.m. on Friday, December 27, the kids and I were on our way back from visiting my mother in Houlton.

We decided to take the scenic route (instead of driving I-95 the whole way), so we were just north of the intersection of Route 201 and Route 3.

That's when we looked up and saw something strange.  In addition to seeing the sun, we could also see another glowing orb.  As the sky was cloudy, we were not able to clearly make out what was causing the other light.

It was like something out of a sci-fi disaster movie.  The kids and I half expected the clouds to part to reveal a comet or an asteroid.

So, what was it?

After doing some research, I did manage to find an article on the UC Berkeley website that explains about the sun's reflections.  Even though this article does not specifically discuss how there could be a reflection of the sun in the clouds, I have a feeling that's what I was seeing.

What do you think?  Did you see it?  Give us your thoughts by sending us a message in our app.

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