My New Respect For Acting
This isn't to say there will be not be any future jokes about the acting capabilities of Dane Cook. However, when you can't act your way out of a paper bag, you shouldn't exactly throw stones. It's easy to sit on the sidelines and Nelson Muntz point and laugh. Yet, remembering lines and trying to get it right is a LOT harder than you think.
Even in our Bee List Movies sketch where I have just a few scant lines, it's a total blank. It's possible by watching more movies, or actually rehearsing the pieces, things might flow smoother.
We're acting out lines from these iconic movies for a Kenny Chesney giveaway, and man, don't I choke on a simple two line run...multiple times. How REAL actors are able to remember cues and lines for entire scenes at a time is pretty cool. You only understand the work put in when you continually biff your own parts. Some great scenes are improvised, I always chalked it up to they had a better place to take the character. Could it be they simply forgot the lines? My sanity hopes so.