In a remote section of Siberia, a giant crater was found and no one knows how it got there. An oil and gas industry helicopter was flying over the area when they spotter the crater and hovered over the giant hole stating in was big enough for the helicopter to fly in.

Scientist aren’t sure what created the hole although they have ruled out a meteorite, they believe it may have been global warming. Siberia’s frozen soil have millions of tons of methane gas and when the surface warms the gas begins to release and when it mixes with water and salt it could explode.

Some think aliens built an underground city, that could be a secret entrance to a hollow Earth.

Another explanation is that a gas pocket may have built-up enough pressure to pop like a champagne cork causing the crater. The area the crater was found is near a gas field that is the source for Russia’s gas export market to Europe. With that theory in mind there have not been any reports of seismic activity or explosions in the area.

Scientist are being sent to investigate the crater to determine the cause.

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