Sarah’s Favorite Christmas Gifts She Ever Got As A Kid – Did You Get Them Too?
Christmas has always been my favorite time of year. I enjoy it more, now, as a parent...but as a kid, I got some of the BEST toys! Some, I wish I could still buy and play with my kids.
I was shocked to learn, just yesterday, that they no longer made 'Mall Madness'. Best!
When I was much younger...I LOVED Rub-A-Dub-Doggie (soft lil can take a bath with you)
This toy was soooo futuristic! It was a robot...arm...that you could control.
This was pure magic and glamorous. By far, my most favorite Barbie
This game made me feel so cool...and I think I developed a crush or two. Where are these boys now, I wonder.
I had a Speak & Spell and a Speak & Math. Never had a Speak & Read and today, I still want to play with one.
My first computer didn't even take a floppy disk or cartridge. It took a tape cassette.
And my favorite game to play on my Commodore 64...that I would give my right arm to play today...Aztec Challenge
This is one toy I still have and as a child, could play with it for hours. Now my kids play with it.
My toys are way better than the crap my kids want now.