Sharon Stuck in Snowstorm in Fairfield, Maine
Waking up early and noticing you can't see out the bedroom window is NOT a good sign.
Walking down the stairs and seeing 3 inches of snow on the ground and knowing you have to clean off the car...not fun.
But getting stuck in a's awful!
The snow was falling so fast and the wind was whipping so hard I couldn't see more than 10 feet in front of me. Using highbeams is like being in hyperdrive in Star Wars.
Yes, traveling was terrible this morning. From my house to the exit in Fairfield is 10 miles...exactly. It took me almost 35 minutes to go those 10 miles. During those 10 miles, there were 3 cars off the road. TIP OF THE DAY: Never follow someone else's tracks in a snowstorm because you MAY just find yourself in the ditch WITH them!
When I decided to turn around it was at Exit 132, Western Avenue in Fairfield. However, the exit was blocked. Talking to an officer, he said the snow and ice came on so suddenly that DOT was extremely shorthanded so the truckers that lined the entire avenue couldn't make it up the hill to the truck stop.
I was able to get back on the highway where I saw ANOTHER car off the road AND a FedEx double trailer off the side of the road. When I reached the Clinton exit I took the left to go home. I was dreading the hill on Hinckley Road. And I dread it even more now.
Trying to get up the first part of that hill was impossible. I had to back my way down with my hazards on. Luckily, the other cars on the road were patient with me, especially when I went sliding into their lane.
It took me 3 trys and I STILL couldn't make it. FINALLY, a plow/sand truck was coming DOWN the hill. I maneuvered my car into that lane and found traction and made it.
It was the worst driving experience of my life. Hitting a moose was not as nerve racking as that trip home today.
I hope everyone is safe this morning.